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Privacy & Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to Gelos Network! Our privacy policy outlines how we handle your personal information when you engage with our website and services. We prioritize your privacy, utilizing your data solely in adherence to this policy.

Information Collection: We gather various details, including contact information (name, email, phone), demographic specifics (age, gender, location), technical data (IP address, device type), usage details, payment information, and social media handles if connected.

Use of Personal Information: We use your data to provide requested services, enhance our offerings, personalize your experience, secure our services, and comply with legal obligations.

Sharing Information: Your information may be shared with service providers, business partners offering relevant products/services, and law enforcement agencies as required by law.

Security Measures: We employ encryption, secure server storage, access restrictions, and regular security reviews to safeguard your personal information.

Your Rights: You have rights to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing, object to processing, and data portability. Reach out to us at [email protected] to exercise these rights.

Data Retention: We retain your information for service provision, legal compliance, dispute resolution, and agreement enforcement.

Changes to Privacy Policy: This policy may be updated periodically. Any changes will be posted on our website, and you will be notified via email or other communication means.

This privacy policy complies with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Cookies Policy

Introduction: Our cookies policy clarifies the use of cookies and similar technologies on Gelos Network to enhance your web experience and provide specific services.

Types of Cookies: We use strictly necessary, functional, performance, and targeting cookies.

Cookie Usage: Cookies improve your experience, provide services, collect website usage data, and enable targeted advertising.

Managing Cookies: You can adjust cookie settings in your browser. Instructions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge are provided.

Third-Party Cookies: Some cookies are set by third-party services (e.g., Google Analytics, Facebook) to improve our website and deliver targeted ads.

Changes to Cookies Policy: We may update the cookies policy; any changes will be posted on our website.

Contact Us: For questions about this cookies policy, contact us at [email protected]

This cookies policy adheres to the UK Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR).

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